I have this fantasy that I can rally the troops. You know, that I can be some old lady who says, “Are you going to take this shit? I’m an old lady and I’m not taking this shit.” And people will be like, “yeah, we’re not gonna take this shit!” I dream I can motivate all these people to rise up and fight against fascism and against cutting Medicaid and against lessening our Social Security and all that corruption and greed. Like I’m some kind of William Wallace. In fact, I’m more of a Bluto.

I see how Biden fucked up and that he didn’t negotiate with the tech bros. He went after big business, and ended up putting them at the defensive. So they went to Trump because they were feeling attacked. At the same time, bastards, they need to pay because they make all the money they do. We need to to go back to the 1930s when the country did a redistribution of wealth, where really rich people paid their fair share and then some. I mean, what the fuck are you gonna do with $500 million every year? Give me a break – people are starving. Talking to you Bill Gates, the most generous of all of the billionaire tech bros, you know, come on.
I mean, anyway, so I have this crazy fantasy. But in reality, I’m more of a follower. I would love to, you know, but I mean, be real. I don’t even know what that would take. There’s so much I don’t know. I don’t know that I can never feel like I was in a position to be that person. I don’t know the history, but I’m learning all the time. And certainly there’s a lot of connections I don’t make because I’m not the deepest of thinkers. Or maybe I’m a deep thinker, but I think about things like robots, dragons, and The Matrix?
Yeah. So I think there must be a lot of people like me because instead of paying for the shit we want, we’re gonna have to pay for Elon Musk’s to go to Mars. And that’s a can or worms. Just listen to this podcast, Our Opinions are Correct, that delves into the idea that we are living in a simulation. And Musk is a part of the Tech Big Wigs that seems to subscribe to that theory. If we’re all in a simulation, then the only reality is your own, right? What value do a few non player characters have? In case you missed it, we, the rest of the world, are the non player characters.

In my reality, my simulations are moving right along. I’ve edited ‘Wheels on the Bus,’ my copycat story, and I’m working on ‘Fibonacci’s Ghost.’ My romance ideas have been shattered by real life, but I’m trying to get some magic back into my fantasies. I’m pretty sure it’s an enemies to lovers, but the setting is still up in the air… some medieval land akin to ‘The Witcher’ or some urban setting with magical creatures and corrupt systems, or maybe a time travel dystopia.
It will work itself out.